A personal finance blog teaching children what money is and how to manage it, guiding them through each financial concept - Spending, Saving, Giving and Investing.
I want every Australian to live the life they choose without financial burdens.
Investing in your child’s future
A personal finance blog teaching children what money is and how to manage it, guiding them through each financial concept - Spending, Saving, Giving and Investing.
I want every Australian to live the life they choose without financial burdens.
Growing up, Jodie's family had little money for any extravagances. Any expenses were budgeted for and if anything more was wanted, it needed to be saved for.
This background taught Jodie to value money and look after every cent. What followed was extraordinary.
Jodie saved and paid cash for her first car. She bought her first residential investment property, with Andrew, when she was 21 years old, paying off the mortgage completely within 3 years on minimum 'junior legal secretary' wages, using every trick in the book Jodie could find.
Within 16 years of paying off their first home loan, Jodie and Andrew started their family and purchased a further eight investment properties in Sydney and Queensland (two now sold). Each loan was paid down in record time, often on one wage, with Jodie setting herself a challenge to pay off each loan quicker than the last.
In mid-2019 and in a position to retire on the income they earn through their investments, Jodie and Andrew downed tools, quit the 9-5 rat race and set out to experience life on the road with their young children.
These days, Jodie and Andrew can be found in tropical North Queensland spending as much time as possible with their children (with a strong focus on teaching financial literacy using the Barefoot Investor's jam-jar method!) and living life to the fullest.
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