A Personal Finance Community For Those Seeking FIRE

A Personal Finance FIRE Blog For Those Seeking FIRE, By Those Seeking FIRE

For Those Seeking FIRE

Camp FIRE is a content curation site AND a personal finance website. We’re for those seeking FIRE, by those seeking FIRE.  We exist for two reasons:

  1. To improve lives by improving finances
  2. To connect personal finance bloggers to new readers

Many struggle financially not because they are broke, but because they are broken financially. They don’t know how to break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck and can’t get ahead financially.

Life is better in nearly every conceivable when you have money and know how to manage it. Camp FIRE Finance exists to help people improve their lives by teaching them how to improve their finances and reach financial independence.

Most will acknowledge that is a lofty goal.  Luckily we’re not doing it alone.

By Those Seeking FIRE

In the world of personal finance F.I.R.E. is an acronym that stands for Financially Independent Retired Early. While we agree that not every should retire early, we firmly believe that everyone should pursue financial independence.

There is a growing community of people all across the globe that are trying to “FIRE,” and they’re passionate about the topic.

Evidence of this passion is found in the rapidly growing number of FIRE blogs, podcasts, and YouTube channels that are preaching the good word.

Camp FIRE Finance exists to connect these content creators to new readers. When we connect readers with creators, everyone wins.

Personal Finance For Those Seeking FIRE, By Those Seeking FIRE

It can be daunting to try and sort through all of the personal finance information that’s available to you.  That’s where Camp FIRE Finance can help.

We crowd-source all of this info to bring you the very best personal finance and early retirement content from the web that will help you reach your financial goals. Whatever they might be.

This content falls into one of three categories:

  1. Featured Curated Content Every Weekday Personal Finance Bloggers
  2. Exclusive Content From Camp FIRE Contributors
  3. The Latest Personal Finance Articles


Each weekday on our we feature personal finance blog posts or articles on our homepage and in our Kindling newsletter.

We read as many personal finance and FIRE blogs as we can and share the best of what we find. Whether that be a blog post, a podcast episode, periscope chat, infographic or YouTube video – the type of content doesn’t matter.  If it’s great, we share it.


Unlike posts that we feature that are hosted on other websites, Camp FIRE Contributor content is exclusive to this site, and the full article is here.

We write a few of the Contributor articles ourselves; however, the goal is for other authors to write exclusive content for Camp FIRE.  This gives them great exposure to potential new readers and helps our own readers improve their finances by expanding their knowledge.


We also maintain an RSS FIRE Feed page that displays personal finance FIRE blog posts and articles that have been published within the past 48 hours.

These are the latest personal finance articles on the internet. They come from across the globe and touch on all personal finance topics like budgeting, creating a side hustle, frugality, tax strategies, how to make more money, etc. etc.


Between our featured content, the very latest blog posts in our FIRE Feed, and our exclusive Contributor articles we’ve got something for everyone.

We’re personal finance for those seeking FIRE, by those seeking FIRE.

Thanks for stopping by.  If you’re a reader, we hope that our site can help you improve your life by improving your finances. If you’re a personal finance blogger we hope you’ll join our community and help improve lives by sharing your wisdom.


Camp FIRE Finance was founded in February of 2018 by Ty Roberts, the previous curator here. As of September 2019, it’s now run by Jackie Beck, who curates content weekdays and manages site.

Camp FIRE Finance is a “crowd sourced” site; most of our content comes from other writers. We don’t always agree with the content that we post or share, but we post and share it anyway because we are interested in sharing a wide range of perspectives.

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