Money By Ramey

Teaching Financial Freedom to The Universe!

Money By Ramey
Teaching Financial Freedom to The Universe!

I created because I wanted to combine two passion points of mine: Finance and Teaching. Since I became interested in the world of high finance, I have been awestruck by how much there is to know.

What began as an interest in reading corporate financial reports has turned into a foray into a full-fledged FIRE movement.  My overarching personal goal is to build up my passive income portfolio to $50,000/yr. This is important to me as it is my way to achieve the Financial and Time Freedom that I value so highly.

Through the written word, video, podcasting, and other any other way possible, my sincere goal is to help teach you to the art of becoming Financially Free. While I have been building passive income through dividend investing, I am always on the lookout to grow and improve my financial picture through any means possible. And I want to teach you to do the same.

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