Early Retirement

Use The Rule of 25 to Calculate How Much You Need to Retire

What is The Rule of 25?

The Rule of 25, also know as the Multiply by 25 Rule, attempts to define how much money you’ll need to save for your retirement. Not surprisingly, based on the name of the rule, that amount is 25 times your annual expenses (not income).

Early Retirement

How to Calculate Retirement Costs for Anything

Not long ago I was looking over my expenses when I had a financial epiphany of sorts.  It was about the true retirement costs of my spending habits.

I recently wrote a post about how I’m going broke from eating out.  In that post I tried to quantify just how expensive my +$6,000 per year dining out habit really is, and this is what I came up with:  not only do I spend over $6,000 per year eating out, but maintaining that habit in retirement means that I need to boost retirement accounts by $150,000.

How to calculate retirement costs

Early Retirement

A Big Savings Rate is Not Required to Retire Early

Can't Save Money

Saving a large percentage of your income, like more than 50% of it, is often preached as a requirement necessary to reach financial independence and retire early.

That’s Nonsense. FIRE is for everyone, regardless of income.

Early Retirement

Boil A Frog All The Way To An Early Retirement

If you’re fixin to boil a frog, one popular technique warns against dropping the critter into a pot of boiling water.  Not surprisingly, a frog will immediately hop out of a pot of boiling water. #shocking

Boil A Frog