Effective date August 28, 2023 at 12:36pm EST.
Silent G, Inc (“us”, “we”, “our” or “the company”) is based in the United States. We are committed to respecting your privacy.
This privacy policy applies to you as a visitor to https://campfirefinance.us2.cdn-alpha.com (“the site”, “this site”, or “our site”) and/or to you as a content creator on this site.
The purpose of this privacy policy is to tell you what personally identifiable information we may collect when you visit the site, and how that personally identifiable information may be used.
We have tried to be very thorough and to use easy-to-understand words in this privacy policy that are also clear. That’s why this privacy policy is long, even though we use ordinary and normal practices that are similar to many other companies.
If you do not understand this privacy policy and its possible impact, either speak with a lawyer to be sure you understand first, or do not visit or read the contents of www.campfirefinance.com, do not create content on this site, and do not sign up for any of our email lists. Note that bold text and all caps are for readability purposes only within this privacy policy.
This privacy policy can be changed at any time without notice, and will be updated at least annually. The last update to this privacy policy was August 28, 2023 at 12:36pm EST.
If you agree with the terms of this privacy policy, please review the terms regularly to be sure that you continue to agree and understand.
If you do NOT agree with the terms of this privacy policy after reading it, do not further visit or read the contents of www.campfirefinance.com.
We provide links on this site and in this privacy policy to some third party websites. This is for your convenience or to point out additional information. Linked sites have their own separate privacy policies, which we recommend you read carefully. We have no responsibility or liability for the actions or inactions of these linked sites. While we strive to include valid links, we can’t guarantee they will always continue to work.
a. Categories.
The categories of information we automatically collect are: identifiers, internet or other electronic network activity information, and geolocation data. Descriptions of how we use the information we automatically collect are in sections 8b through 8e.
b. Site visits.
Data is automatically collected by us and our host (WPopt) and saved to log files when you visit this site. The information collected in the log files includes the IP address you visited the site from, the dates and times you visited the site, the page(s) you visited, browser type, and operating systems you used to visit the site, the hostname you used to visit the site, the likely city and country your site traffic came from, and any username you try to or successfully access this site with. While this is not the case for most people, if you use a dedicated IP address from your internet service provider, and you are the only person that uses that IP address, and you also visit the site from that IP address, then your IP address could be used to identify you personally. We use these log files if we are trying to resolve a problem or update this privacy policy, and they are automatically used to help block spam visits.
c. Cookies.
We log information using cookies, which are small data files stored on your browser by the site. We may use both session cookies, which expire when you close your browser, and persistent cookies, which stay on your browser until they are either deleted or expire at future date. You can disable cookies or clear recent cookies in your browser if desired. We use cookies in order to personalize or improve your experience during your visit to this site (for example, whether or not to show you a form or advertisement), to track a purchase you may make via one of our affiliates, and/or to monitor and allow or block access to the site in order to prevent spam, unauthorized logins, malware, and denial-of-service attacks.
d. Do not track signals.
We do not respond to or honor “do not track” signals sent by web browsers or other third party sources.
e. Google Analytics and Google Search Console
Like so many other websites, we use the Google Analytics and Google Search Console services to receive anonymous aggregate data about our site’s visitors. Google Analytics tracks site usage and allows us to view information such as referring websites, keywords used to discover or access this site, and user actions on this site. Google Search Console allows us to check indexing status and optimize visibility of our site. These help us understand our website’s traffic and improve our marketing and writing efforts so that we can hopefully reach more people. To help safeguard your privacy, we have IP Anonymization set up in Google Analytics so that your IP address is made anonymous as soon as technically feasible at the earliest possible stage, and so that your full IP address is never written to disk at Google. Effective December 4, 2019, the user and event data retention period for this site is set to 14 months (the shortest possible option at this time) and it resets on new activity. If you want to opt out of Google Analytics tracking, you can install the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on for the browsers that you use.
a. Categories.
In some cases, (such as if you create a user on the site, submit a directory listing, send an article you have written to us for potential acceptance, leave a comment, sign up for our email list, or email us) we may collect additional categories of information relevant to those instances.
The categories of information we may collect in those cases include: identifiers, characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law, commercial information, geolocation data, audio, electronic, visual information, professional or employment-related information, and education information. Descriptions of how we use the information you may voluntarily submit are in sections 9b through 9h.
b. If you submit a listing.
If you submit a listing to us for potential publication in our personal finance/FIRE blogger directory, we will examine it for possible inclusion, and if accepted, publish it for public viewing. We may email you in regard to it, and you may automatically receive emails related to your WordPress user. We will also collect a variety of information as input by you as detailed here in section 9b.
Whether or not your listed is accepted, we will collect:
i. the WordPress username of your choosing, a password of your choosing stored in hashed form so that it is not visible in plain text to us, your email address for WordPress, and your business email address for your blog or podcast. With the exception of your password, this information will be visible to users with Administrator access to this site. This information is used in order to allow you to submit your listing, and to contact you if we have questions.
ii. the following required information as input by you: the category or categories you have selected, your site name, your website URL, a descriptive tagline, one or more paragraphs describing your site, and the region associated with your site (Africa, Asia, Australia & Oceania, Europe, North America, or South America). This information will be visible to users with Administrator access to this site and, if your listing is accepted for publication, to the public. It is used to describe your site and to allow the public to view the information.
iii. any or all of the following information if optionally input by you: link text, your city identified by zip or post code, your Twitter handle, Facebook page URL, other social media URL and text, your image. This information will be visible to users with Administrator access to this site and, if your listing is accepted for publication, to the public. It is used to describe your site and to allow the public to view the information.
If your listing is accepted, the information we collect will be stored in the site’s database for as long as your listing remains active, after which it will be deleted from the site’s database. Listings may be removed or edited at any time at our complete discretion, or if we are required to do so by law. You may also edit the information yourself by logging in with your WordPress user. You may also request that your listing or WordPress user be removed as described in section 13.
If your listing is not approved, all of the information you shared will be temporarily stored in the site’s database in plain text form (with the exception of your password) for a maximum of two months, after which it and your WordPress user will be deleted from the site’s database.
c. If you submit an article.
If you submit an article to us for potential publication we will collect: the contents of the article you submit, any associated images you submit, your name or pseudonym, your email address, any website addresses or social media profile links you submit, and any other information you choose to submit. We may email you in regard to your article. If your article is published, all of the information you shared will be made public with the exception of your email address (unless you have included your email address within the article.)
d. If you comment on the site.
We often allow comments on this site. If you choose to leave a comment, it may be used to allow you to express your opinion, to facilitate conversation, or as a quote in full or in part, and we will collect the following types of data: the comment itself (which includes any information you choose to share), your name or pseudonym, your email address, and a website address if you choose to share that address. If your comment is approved (either automatically or manually) your comment, name or pseudonym, and website address will be publicly displayed on the associated post. If your comment is approved or waiting for moderation, your email address will be visible to users with Administrator access to this site. All of the information you share, including your email address, will be stored in the site’s database in regular plain text form unless you request that it be removed. If your comment is not approved, all of the information you shared, including your email address, will be temporarily stored in the site’s database in plain text form for a maximum of two months, after which it will be deleted from the site’s database. We may email you in response to a comment on the site. We may also publicly reply to your comments on the site, and members of the public may publicly reply to them too.
e. If you email us.
If you email us, we will have any information you choose to share in that email, including your email address and any information generated by email service providers along the way. Email is not secure, and that information will also be visible in plain text to anyone who is able to access that email. We may reply to your email, we may just read it, or it may automatically be sent to spam. In rare circumstances, we may forward your email to the authorities if we feel the situation is warranted.
f. If you join our email list(s).
We use Aweber to host and manage our email lists. You may be added to our email list(s) if: you asked to be added by filling out a form on this site or if you asked to be added by any other means. The following information is automatically collected by Aweber in those cases: your email address, the date and time you were added to the list, the address of the page on our site where you signed up for the list or the method used to gain permission, the nickname of the form (for example, “Kindling Emails”) that you used to sign up if applicable, the IP address and country you used to sign up from, and sometimes additional geolocation information. While we would prefer not to collect additional geolocation information beyond the region/state, at this time are unable to turn it off. Aweber also automatically keeps track of the date and time the last followup email was sent to you.
We collect this information in order to make sure we are complying with anti-spam laws, to pay appropriate transaction privilege taxes if applicable, to send you the emails you requested.
All html emails sent may contain tracking pixels, which is a standard practice enabled by a large number of major email service providers. The pixel is typically a 1×1 image embedded in emails. We may see if and when you open an email and which links within the email you click. This allows us to analyze the success of our past marketing campaigns and improve future campaigns.
If you no longer wish to be on one or more of our email lists, you can automatically unsubscribe at any time from that list by clicking the unsubscribe link in any email from us. If you have unsubscribed from a list, you will immediately stop being sent future emails from that list, and you will no longer get emails from us at all unless you: subscribed to more than one list, choose to resubscribe at any point, are a current contributor, or your site is featured on this site and in our newsletter.
The information associated with your former email subscription will be deleted from the list by us on Aweber on a periodic basis, typically within one week but occasionally within two months after unsubscribing.
g. If you interact with us on social media.
If you comment, like, message, or otherwise interact with us on social media, we and any other visitors to those site(s) will be able to see any information that is available about you based on how you have set your privacy settings for the site(s). We and any other visitors to the sites(s) may also see your comments, likes, and reactions. Review social media privacy settings and controls regularly to make sure you understand them.
h. Sensitive personal information.
At no time should you submit sensitive personal information such as your social security number, driver’s license number, or passport number to the site or to us via any method. Should you choose to submit an article for potential publication that contains sensitive personal information regarding your race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, health information, criminal background, or trade union memberships, be aware of the risks involved with making such information about yourself public, and make sure it is actually required for the point of your article.
We currently use the following third-party service providers to service various aspects of the site. Each third-party service provider’s use of your personal information is dictated by their respective privacy policies, which you can view on their sites.
Aweber – to host our email lists and create email opt-in forms
Google – to use the Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google Docs, G Suite email services, domain, and webmaster tools
Mediavine – to evaluate the feasibility of serving ads on our site
WPopt – to host our site and site email addresses
Grow – to share our articles on social media, and to allow others to easily share our articles on social media sites.
Wordfence – to monitor and allow or block access to the site in order to prevent spam, unauthorized logins, malware, and denial-of-service attacks
WP RSS Aggregator – to aggregate multiple blog feeds into our FIRE Feed
We may disclose personally identifiable information under the following circumstances:
a. When required by law.
We will disclose personally identifiable information about you if we have it and if we have a good faith belief that we are required to do so by law.
b. In cases of a life-threatening nature.
We may disclose personally identifiable information about you to law enforcement if we have it and if we have a reasonable belief that an emergency situation exists that we believe could be of a potentially threatening nature to others or yourself. For example, if you say something a potentially threatening nature to others or yourself in an email to us, in a comment on this site (even if it is not published), or via any type of message or conversation, we might believe it is an emergency situation and contact law enforcement.
c. In case of ownership change.
If we sell all or a large part of our company assets, if we go bankrupt, or if the company or a large part of the company is transferred to someone else through inheritance, we will disclose personally identifiable information to the third parties who require that information so they can continue providing services. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur, and that any acquirer of all or part of the company assets may continue to use your personally identifiable information as set forth in this privacy policy. We will not otherwise sell, give away, or transfer your personally identifiable information except as described previously in sections 11a and 11b.
a. Affiliate Program Participation.
As an Amazon Associate this site earns from qualifying purchases. As part of the program, this site will post customized links to track the referrals to Amazon. Amazon uses cookies to track visits for the purposes of assigning commission on these sales.
We also engage in affiliate marketing for a variety of other products and services that we believe in. This is done by embedding tracking links into the site and emails we send. If you click on an affiliate link, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any visits and sales for purposes of commissions.
We comply with FTC rules regarding affiliate links.
b. Advertising
While we do not currently serve advertisements when you visit the site, we hope to do so in the future and will update the privacy policy at that time if we implement advertising.
We do not knowingly collect any personally identifiable information from children under the age of 16. If a parent or guardian believes that we have personally identifiable information of a child under the age of 16, please contact us immediately at info@campfirefinance.us2.cdn-alpha.com and we will use our best efforts to promptly remove such information from our records.
a. Opt-out.
You may opt out, at any time, of the sale of your personal information. Since we do not sell your personal information except in case of ownership change as noted in section 11c, you would only be opting out of that. You may notify us via email at info@campfirefinance.us2.cdn-alpha.com (preferred) or via the postal service at Silent G, Inc., 1 Hewitt Sq, East Northport, NY 11730.
You may automatically opt-out of future email communications by following the unsubscribe links in our emails, you may manually opt-out of future emails by sending email to info@campfirefinance.us2.cdn-alpha.com and asking to be removed from our mailing list(s). The automatic method is fastest.
b. Access / Request Disclosure
You may access and request disclosure of the personal information we have about you by submitting a verifiable request to info@campfirefinance.us2.cdn-alpha.com. You have the right to request, up to twice in a 12-month period:
i. The categories of personal information that we collected about you
ii. the categories of sources from which the personal information was collected
iii. the business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling personal information
iv. the categories of third parties with whom we shares personal information
v. the specific pieces of personal information we collected about you
vi. The categories of personal information we sold about you and the categories of third parties to whom the personal information was sold, by category or categories of personal information for each third party to whom the personal information was sold. Since we do not sell your personal information except in case of ownership change as noted in section 11c, we will disclose that fact again if we receive this request from you.
vii. The categories of personal information that the business disclosed about you for a business purpose.
c. Amend
You may contact us at info@campfirefinance.us2.cdn-alpha.com (preferred) or at Silent G, Inc, 1 Hewitt Sq, East Northport, NY 11730 to amend or update your personal information.
d. Erase/Forget/Delete
You may request that we erase, forget, or delete your personal information. To do so, please submit a request to info@campfirefinance.us2.cdn-alpha.com (preferred) or to Silent G, Inc, 1 Hewitt Sq, East Northport, NY 11730.
Please note that we may need to retain certain information for record-keeping purposes, to complete transactions, or when required by law. Backups of our site’s database are kept for no longer than five years and are stored on encrypted hard drives in locked locations.
In order to meet the requirements of the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, we are providing these disclosures:
We have not sold consumers’ personal information in the preceding 12 months.
In the preceding 12 months, we have disclosed identifiers, internet or other electronic network activity information, and geolocation data for business purposes. (For example, email addresses and names were disclosed to our email service provider, Aweber, for the business purpose of sending our emails to consumers who signed up for our emails.)
In the preceding 12 months, we have also disclosed (within user-submitted listings and articles) voluntarily-submitted identifiers, characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law, commercial information, geolocation data, visual information, professional or employment-related information, and education information to the public for business purposes.
You may contact us via email at info@campfirefinance.us2.cdn-alpha.com if you have questions about this privacy policy.