Financial Independence

Success is Like a Blister

Success is like a blister

The biggest struggle in my journey to financial independence hasn’t been finding ways to improve my budget, reduce my expenses, or even increase my income.  The hardest part has been trying to find the patience to wait for success to show up.  But success is like a blister – it shows up once the hard work is done.

Financial Independence

Living the FI Life: My Time Before and After FI

Where Does The Time Go
Image credit: Manning Makes Stuff

When you’re financially independent (FI) and your time is your own, that’s living the FI-Life.  Although I’m not there yet, I’m working on it and I can’t wait to get there!

Financial Independence

Reach Financial Independence Using The Three Solutions Rule

Three Solutions Rule

I’ve been with my current employer for nearly five years now.  Throughout that time I’ve held a few different positions, worked on various teams, and had a handful of different managers, but something I learned during my very first week on the job has stuck with me the entire time.  I call it the ‘3 Solutions’ rule and I believe it can help all of us reach financial independence.

Financial Independence

Everything You Own is Garbage

My financial epiphany has been more of gradual progression rather than a single ‘aha!’ moment.  A handful of events each lighting my pathway to financial independence.  One of these moments happened when I came to the realization that everything you own is garbage.

Everything You Own is Garbage

Financial Independence

Note to Self: Money is Stuff and Stuff Doesn’t Matter

Money is Time

Note to self:  A quick reminder to yourself on this gray, drizzly morning in Seattle.  As you prepare to trade another week of your life for a paycheck, don’t forget that money, like all of your other possessions, is just a thing. Money gets old and wears out, and just like that car sitting in your garage, even your money loses value over time.