Perpetual Money Machine

Financial Independence for Everyone Else

Perpetual Money Machine
Financial Independence for Everyone Else

I started the Perpetual Money Machine blog as a way to share the peace and satisfaction I have enjoyed as a result of being financially independent. My intention is to help people achieve their own financial independence and build a Perpetual Money Machine that will enable them to maintain their lifestyle without being tied to a job. Because of my own experience, I believe that nearly anyone can achieve financial independence.

Who am I? I’m just an average guy with an average job. I finished college in 2000 and have worked my way up from a $48k salary to my present $95k salary. My wife also worked 4 years at less than $50k. Even with this pretty average income, three kids, and living a pretty normal life in an expensive city, we were able to save and invest more than $2 million in 18 years.

In the Perpetual Money Machine blog, I tell the stories of my personal wealth-building experience as a way to bolster your confidence and ability to achieve your own financial greatness.

Recent blog posts from Perpetual Money Machine:

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Previously featured on Camp FIRE Finance:

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