
Research, writing, planning, convening, foraging + re-purposing for humanity. Tips + tricks towards financial independence + better living.

Research, writing, planning, convening, foraging + re-purposing for humanity. Tips + tricks towards financial independence + better living.

Through Urban_Plan_B, I consider all things urban, human, frugal and resilient. It is a space for sharing tips and tricks (honed over a lifetime) for navigating some of the incongruities and turbulence of modern urban life. I follow the global Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) movement, vandwelling, zerowaste, food trucks and other examples of informal/everyday urbanism and smaller footprint living and development.

Additionally, I respond to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which strive to address the collective challenges we face related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice.