Invest Your Money

Your Guide To Alternative Investments

Investing is one of the best things you can do for your finances, whether you are running a business or are an individual investor. Many financial commentators give advice, mainly on the common types of investments that people buy into. When many people think of investing, they think of stocks, bonds and cash. However, alternative investing could be a very lucrative path if you invest correctly. However, what is an alternative investment, and how could it be financially beneficial to you? 

Invest Your Money

Is Now A Good Time To Invest In Property?

There is a lot of talk at the moment about the property market and whether it is a good time to invest. There are many predictions and opinions as to whether or not people should be investing or holding onto their money whilst waiting for house prices to fall.

Invest Your Money

Sustainable Investing with The Environment in Mind

Sustainable investing is on the rise as investors become more and more interested in finding smart ways to invest their money. By definition, sustainable investing refers to any investment strategy that seeks to preserve or grow capital while taking into account environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) factors.

In other words, sustainable investors are not just looking not just at the financial performance of a company. They are also looking at its impact on people and the planet.

Invest Your Money

Investing under High Inflation

by Joseph Sheeley of The Small Investor

High inflation is challenging.  Every day the prices for the goods and services you need increase, leaving you scrambling to pay for everything.  You go to fill up your car and it costs $40 more.  You go to the supermarket and what seems like a modest haul costs $100 or more.  You go to a restaurant and need to whip out the credit card because the cash in your pocket isn’t going to cover it.

Luckily, investing in high inflation times really isn’t all that difficult.  In fact, you really need to invest when inflation is high.  Cash will wither and disappear with inflation.  Things like stocks and real estate will grow in price with inflation.  With high inflation you absolutely need to be fully invested unless you need the money soon.  Otherwise, you’ll be losing purchasing power with each passing month.  It’s like there is a 10% yearly tax on any money you have sitting around, so leaving $10,000 in cash will cost you $1000 per year.

Invest Your Money

Is This the Best Kept Secret to Early Retirement?

When most people think of early retirement, they think of 401(k)s, IRAs, and other common investment vehicles. However, there is another option that is often overlooked by investors: tax lien certificate investing – and it’s more lucrative than you may believe.

Contrary to popular belief, tax lien certificate investing is a great way to achieve early retirement. In this blog post, we explore the benefits of this investing method and how it will help you reach your retirement goals as well as dispel some of the myths that keep investors from taking advantage of this opportunity.