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How Financial Knowledge Can Lead to a Great Career

Financial literacy can make a world of difference when it comes to a job search. If you possess comprehensive financial knowledge, you can gain ground on other candidates in a competitive global job market. Plus, you can position yourself to land a terrific job in myriad sectors, including:


Demand for accountants is increasing across the United States. Furthermore, accounts generally earn an average annual salary that exceeds $73,000. 

Accountants maintain and interpret financial records. They typically possess extensive financial knowledge and top-notch mathematical skills. Accountants often boast computer and analytical skills and strong business acumen, too. 

Of course, if you want to stand out from other candidates for the top accounting jobs, you need a great education. You can earn an accounting degree, along with Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certification. Meanwhile, you may want to pursue a finance degree in conjunction with completing accounting coursework and training. This ensures that you can build your skillset, receive multiple degrees, and have no trouble differentiating yourself as you pursue accounting jobs. 


If you’re a natural at buying and selling bonds, stocks, and other securities, you can make a career out of it as a broker or trader. A broker executes a securities exchange on behalf of an individual or firm. Comparatively, a trader buys or sells securities in a financial market for themselves or others. 

Becoming a broker or trader requires a clear understanding of different types of securities, how they work, and their respective pros and cons. Additionally, brokers and traders usually hold a college or university degree and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) licenses.  

Personal Finance

Personal financial advisors work in the finance and insurance sectors. These advisors offer tips, recommendations, and guidance to people who want to manage their money well. They also help clients get the most value out of their finances. 

As a personal financial advisor, you can use your knowledge to help a client determine the best course of action to manage their money. You can review their investments and personal financial goals. Then, you can make a plan for a client to limit their financial risks and maximize their financial gains.

Earning a bachelor’s degree in finance, investments, estate planning, or risk management offers a great starting point toward pursuing a career as a personal financial advisor. Moreover, you can complete a college-level personal financial planning program to become a certified financial planner (CFP).

It can be beneficial to explore financial planner internships as well. These internships allow you to get hands-on experience and training and can help you bolster your resume.

Landing a Job That Allows You to Use Your Financial Knowledge

Here are five things you can do to land a terrific job that allows you to use your financial knowledge. 

1. Make a Plan

Figure out how exactly you want to use your financial knowledge. From here, you can refine your career goals and the steps you’ll need to take to achieve them. Don’t forget to map out your finances, too. Use financial planning and projections to discover the best way to pursue your career aspirations. 

2. Improve Your Finances

Use your financial knowledge to find ways to save money. If you can improve your finances, you’ll be well-equipped to make every dollar count. This ensures you have sufficient funds available to invest in your future. 

If necessary, cut unnecessary items from your budget. You can also look for coupons and other ways to lower your everyday expenses. And remember: the more money you save, the more likely it becomes that you can use it to move forward in a career in the financial area of your choice.   

3. Enroll in an Educational Program

Get a degree in accounting or other finance areas. Browse online programs, and you can earn a degree from anywhere. Or, you can sign up for in-person classes close to home. 

Take advantage of student loans to finance educational programs. Explore myriad student loan solutions, and you can find one that allows you to complete your college coursework without breaking your budget. 

4. Consider All Types of Career Opportunities

Resist the urge to settle for the first job offer that comes your way. If you fine-tune your resume and achievements properly, you can be choosy about which opportunities you pursue. By choosing a job in which you can use your financial knowledge and feel great about your daily work, you can move forward in your career. 

Capitalize on part-time, contract, and internship opportunities in different areas of finance. It can even be beneficial to consider in-house and remote work. In-house work can be great for those who enjoy being in the same physical environment as their peers. On the other hand, you can create a remote workspace, with essentials like a strong internet connection and a surge protector, where you can be productive from home. If you find a job that brings a smile to your face, you can build a rewarding career. 

5. Stay on Course

Continue to build your financial knowledge and skill set, regardless of how your career progresses. Finance is constantly evolving, and it pays to stay up to date on it. 

Track your results as you move forward in your career. If you encounter pitfalls along the way, evaluate these issues and seek out ways to mitigate them. You can also partner with industry professionals who can offer guidance. In doing so, you can foster relationships that can help you advance your career. 


Financial literacy can be powerful. When used properly, this knowledge can help you build a successful career. By fine-tuning your goals, you can explore opportunities to use your financial knowledge to grow your career.

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