Side Hustles & Earning More

4 Proven Ways to Make Money with Twitter

4 proven ways to make money with TwitterIf all you’ve been doing on Twitter is following celebrity accounts and retweeting viral memes, you are seriously missing out. Whether it’s a personal account or a business social media page, you can actually make money with Twitter using a few simple ways.

Using social media, in general, is one of the top ways to make money online. You’ll likely have to take the time building an audience first.

Sounds too good to be true? Well, we’re here to prove otherwise, because it could give you a start at building your money making machine.

To give you a sense of just how popular Twitter is, as of early 2019, the social media platform had around monthly 330 million active users. Moreover, it had 500 million tweets being sent every day. If that doesn’t have you leaping for the opportunity, we don’t know what will.

Four Ways to Make Money with Twitter

Hopefully, we’ve convinced you of the idea that Twitter is the way to go. Now we can get down to the fun part: how do you make money with Twitter?

Although, before we get to that, let’s clear up something. There are numerous ways to make money with Twitter, and many you can do without lots of followers.

However, a good number of steady followers does make the whole process a lot easier. So, if you’re new to the game or don’t have a large following at the moment, you might want to work on that first.

Some simple methods to increase your followers is to post regularly, stay updated about what’s trending with your followers, target a specific niche, engage with your followers, make use of visual content, etc.

With that out of the way, let’s get back to what we’ve all been waiting for: four ways to make money with Twitter.

1. Sponsored Tweets

This is one of the simplest and most popular ways to make money on Twitter. Even if you’re new to Twitter, you must have seen your favorite celebrities or influencers tweeting about some particular product or brand. Did you know that they get paid thousands of dollars just for that one tweet? Yes, you read that right, and more importantly, you can get in on a little of that action too.

There’s no doubt that a simple mention from the right account can get brands a lot of exposure. That’s why they’re willing to pay people to post about them. This doesn’t necessarily have to be celebrities.

If you’ve got a fair number of followers who are genuinely interested in your content, and they match the target market of a particular brand, you can earn a handsome amount through sponsored tweets.

You can place bids with advertisers, and if one of them likes your account, you get a chance to make the easiest and quickest bucks ever. The more followers you have and the better quality they are, the more room you have for negotiating a better price for your tweets. Some similar platforms that work along the same concept are PaidperTweet and SponsoredTweets.

2. Affiliate Links

Affiliate marketing, or affiliate links, in particular, is another excellent way to earn some money on Twitter. The way it works is that you choose some products that you think your followers would be interested in. You contact the company or seller of that product to provide you with an affiliate link. Then, you simply share that link on your Twitter account.

Every time someone clicks and purchases that product using your link, you get a share of the profits. It all sounds effortless, but there are a few other factors at play.

These affiliate links can work very well sometimes, and other times, not so much. Since Twitter has a 140-words tweet limit, you might have a hard time selling some products in that limited frame. In cases like these, it helps if you’ve got another blog or personal website where you can direct your followers and talk at length about the product.

Moreover, another aspect of this is that affiliate links work better if you have relevant followers. For example, if you run an account mainly around the latest tech gadgets and have similarly interested fans. An affiliate link for the latest headphones on your account will have a higher chance of being successful. You can use a platform like FlexOffers or Impact Radius to find new affiliate partners.

3. Promoting your Products

While up till now, we’ve been focusing on individual users, this next method might be more useful for small businesses or start-ups. As we mentioned earlier, the popular platform has more than 300 million active users every month. For some businesses, that represents a significant portion of their potential customers as well as an easy way to reach them.

For instance, if you’re running a small business of homemade jewelry or you’re offering some repair services. Even if you don’t have a huge marketing budget, using a platform like Twitter can be a big help in driving up your sales. Certain features of Twitter make it an excellent platform for promoting your products or business. The 140-words limit presents you with an opportunity to cleverly and creatively communicate with your audience concisely. Moreover, with the amount of clutter, there is on the internet, these tweets can be an effective way of catching your audience’s attention without intruding.

Additionally, using hashtags, you can restrict your marketing efforts to the relevant audience only. What’s more, you can even engage with your customers directly and build loyalty.

4. Ideas and Crowdsourcing

Not just promoting, but Twitter can also be a great way to start a business. The vast number and diversity of users offer innumerable sources of ideas and finances for funding your plan.

You can pitch your ideas and see how users respond. Similarly, you can discuss problems and seek advice on how to solve it. You can run surveys to check the feasibility of a specific project. You can even use Twitter to hire people and grow your business.

These might not bring you money directly, but if done right, it can help you generate the necessary capital to start your business. Moreover, later on, you can use other methods we’ve mentioned to promote and drive revenues.

Conclusion on How to Make Money with Twitter

We’re sure there are hundreds of other ways to make money with Twitter. Either way, the bottom line is that if you’re not on Twitter already, you’re missing out on some tremendous opportunities. This includes not just short term methods for earning some money, but also long term opportunities for growing your business perhaps.

Financial Wolves logoFinancial Wolves is a blog focused on helping you make more money to achieve financial freedom. After repaying student loans, I’ve shifted my focus to make more money from side hustles, real estate, freelancing and the online economy. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

4 proven ways to make money with Twitter

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